Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The one thing you should never do is: Ignore your body pain

Physical pain is a part of daily life. When our body is in pain that means it's trying to tell something. Some pains are normal and can be explained and fixed easily such as a headache due to dehydration or body pain due to sore muscles caused by gym activity. But not all body pains are usual. There are some pains in your body which you should never ignore including abdominal pain, severe headaches, leg pain, upper back pain, and tooth pain. Effects of body pain vary from minor to catastrophic. It seeps into the rest of your life. It can leave you exhausted and sleepless. Chronic pain can significantly affect your work life, family life, and overall life quality.

It is always vital to understand which type of pain is usual and which type of pain is not normal. When you feel severe or abnormal pain, don't hesitate to figure out exactly what it is and why it is. In this situation, you should seek a doctor immediately. Preferably you should consider some pain relief health center or pain management clinic if you have any unusual or severe pain. Pain management clinics offer efficient and less invasive techniques to help you deal with your pain. Considering a pain relief health center is the best option to get pain relief rather than being dependent on pain medications. As we know, pain medications may have some side effects including addiction, kidney failure, and other health problems.

Intense pain which starts abruptly can be a signal of life-threatening conditions associated with various signs and symptoms including bloating, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss combined with body pain may lead to serious health issues. Pain symptoms you should never ignore are numbness or burning pain in the feet or legs, persistent and unexplained pain in the belly, arm, jaw, throat or chest, an excruciating headache, nagging or sudden back pain, extreme abdominal pain, swelling or pain in calves, combined pains.

Most common pain symptoms you should never ignore that are and may put your life in danger:

Severe and sudden headaches: most headaches are gradual and there is nothing to worry about them but if a headache starts suddenly and becomes severe then it can be serious. If you feel like a thunderclap is hitting your brain instantaneously, this type of an excruciating headache can be a symptom of a burst blood vessel and aneurysm. An aneurysm is not a big problem as it can happen in many parts but it can be life-threatening when it happens in the brain or aorta and if it grows to a size that weakens the blood vessel and may cause rupturing of the blood vessel.

Chest pain: mostly when it comes to chest pain what comes in our mind first is the heart. But the other thing which may cause chest pain can be a life-threatening aortic dissection or fluid around the heart or a ruptured esophagus, collapsed lung, blood clot or pulmonary embolism. Chest pain can be followed by fatigue and shortness of breath. Women also experience cold sweats, nausea, and dizziness along with chest pain. This is the time to visit your doctor.

Cramping pain in legs: if you experience pain and cramping in legs accompanied by swelling, warmth, and redness, you could have a blood clot called a deep vein thrombosis. In this case, do not massage painful area as it can make the blood clot travel to your lungs or heart. So, you should immediately visit a pain management center.

Painful abdomen or pelvis area: menstrual pain and cramps are normal among many women. But if menstrual cramps become constantly worse or don't go away it may be vecause of endometriosis I.e. a condition in which tissue that is supposed to grow inside the uterus starts growing outside the uterus. See your gynecologist if you are suffering from this or it may increase the risk of infertility.

Mid back pain: if your mid back pain gets continually worse and is followed by nausea and fever, you could have a kidney infection. This type of infection can cause blood poisoning, kidney damage or complete kidney shutdown. So, don't ignore these symptoms.

Pain that travels through the hand, wrist, and forearm: if you feel numbing sensation or pain in your fingers, wrist, and palm that spread to the forearm, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. If this type of pain left untreated, your hand muscles may shrink and you may lose function in your hand. Consult your doctor as soon as possible and get proper treatment.

Tooth pain: sometimes you experience intolerable pain in your teeth when you have any hot or cold substance inside your mouth. It can be due to decaying or damaged enamel which can expose the nerves of your teeth. An exposed nerve may not just cause sensitivity but also makes you highly prone to bacterial infection that can spread to many other parts of the body. If you experience extreme sensitivity in your teeth see your dentist.

Unexplained combination of pains: sometimes there are certain pains which may not be concentrated in a specific area of the body but are subtle and spread out. You should not ignore these aches because these can be as a result of underlying health issues such as depression. Depression frequently causes unexplained chronic pain and is caused by psychological issues such as the inability to focus, inability to think, lack of interest and less social interest. If you have a combination of pains do not hesitate to consult your doctor.


Body pain means our body is trying to tell us something. Many times, we ignore these signals and do not take them seriously. We are so busy in our day to day lives, so it's easy to forget these pains until they get worse. You should never ignore your pain because body pain is not just a physical sensation. It is influenced by personality, beliefs, attitude, and social factors and can also affect your mental and emotional well-being. A few techniques which significantly help you manage your body pain include acupressure or acupuncture, massage, meditation, and chiropractic care.

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